Third Eye (blind)

Photo by Sarah Murphy with consent

At the risk making a corny pun, did you ‘spot’ them?
We took you down the path of a tortured opening to our post about the band, ‘Third Eye Blind,’ because the mark you have no doubt detected on these dogs is called the ‘third eye.’  The term is used to describe the mark on the forehead of some Ibizan Hounds, though we’ve also seen it referred to as an “axe mark.”  While we lack any statistics on what percentage of Ibizan Hounds are born with this “beauty mark” (our words), perhaps it’s enough to have warranted the official publication of the Ibizan Hound Club of the United States to be named the Third Eye.

Most cynologists believe the Ibizan Hound to be one of the oldest purebred dogs in existence. Dating back at least 5,000 years, ancestors of the breed were thought to be from Egypt, hounds brought to the Balearic Islands by Phoenician traders.  Before then, however, legend has it that ‘Beezers” were favorites of ancient Egyptian pharaohs and played a significant role in their royal courts. Perhaps it is this historical connection that lends an air of mystique to the breed. We also came across reference to a bit of Balearic folk culture which believed that it was very bad luck to harm an Ibizan Hound if its owner no longer wanted the dog. Instead, the dog was released on the other side of the island so that someone else could adopt it.

In the world of an animal totems (symbolic representations of an animal that holds spiritual significance), the Ibizan hound is said to offer guidance in detecting and navigating unseen threats or opportunities, and enhance the owner’s trust in their own intuition.

We did a bit more digging and found that according to Animal (a site powered by the latest in AI technology, so there’s that), owning an Ibizan Hound reflects the owner’s tenacity in pursuing goals even in the face of significant setbacks.

And when it comes to our sleep, dreaming of an Ibizan Hound suggests that the dreamer is dealing with issues related to independence or assertiveness in their waking life, a symbol of their pursuit of goals or a need to “hunt” for something in their life. Dream interpretation is subjective, however, and we share this in the spirit of fun.

Still, there’s that whole ‘third eye’ thing…..

Top photo by John Fisher appears with consent

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