True, Chihuahua owners?
1. First and foremost, Chihuahuas think they own their people. Not the other way around.
2. They require being the center of attention.
3. They are often mistaken for small objects.
4. They know just how to melt your heart. (“Can I have a cookie now, please?”)
5. It’s hard to have only one…
6. Many dogs hate clothes. Not most Chihuahuas.
7. They know how to celebrate their heritage. (We fondly refer to them as “Mexican Munching Machines.”)
8. They find their way into anything.
9. No, my dog is NOT a rat.
10. Nothing is cuter than a Chihuahua puppy.
This piece was written by Samantha Van Buren (owned by “Sunny”) and appeared on the #AKC’s website, Woofipedia seen here: http://goo.gl/elNQPi