The word, “Lego” is derived from the Danish term “Leg Godt” which means “Play Well” in English, but Legos aren’t just for kids. There are instructional sites geared for adults, and even a list of the Top Ten Legos for Adults. There are professional who earn an income from building legos, folks like Sean Kenney who built the life-size purebred dogs you see here. They’re situated in a Legoland, and as you can see, they’re pretty accurate. What we love is the description we found about these dogs that could have been written expressly about purebred dogs. See what you think:
“Domesticated to be working and companion animals, dogs have been living with humans for centuries. Dogs in early human settlements have proven to be very important especially for areas where there were a lot of snow since they needed sled dogs to bring them from one place to another. Dogs were also used for hunting, herding and for protection. Apart from being pets, dogs today also serve in the military and the police. They are also members of rescue and retrieval teams.”
Getting back to the Lego dogs, it’s our understanding that computer programs have a lot to do with the accuracy of these “dogs.” That said, dogs have had several different appearances in a wide variety of LEGO themes since 1976 and as recent as 2013, but they debuted in the early 1900. The first realistic DUPLO dog appeared in 1986. Can you guess which breed it was?
For those of you who can’t get enough Lego trivia:
The year of the LEGO creation: 1949;
Where LEGO were created: Billund, Denmark;
The year that LEGO DUPLO was introduced: 1969;
The number of LEGO pieces produced from 1958-2013: 650 billion;
The number of LEGO minifigures produced all-time: 4 billion;
The number of different colors LEGO pieces come in: 53;
The largest LEGO model ever built: A 5.3 million brick X-Wing;
The amount of time spent annually playing with LEGOs:5 billion hours
Answer: The first realistic DUPLO dog appeared in 1986 and resembled a black Scottish terrier.
So cute! Looks very cool
Are they fun, Leoice? (and how sad are we that Game of Thrones will be coming to an end?)
Nooooo! Lannister’s bas***ds ! it’s all you bribed! =) No, in general, if seriously, it would look like my face when I saw these constructions live and remembered how in my childhood I stepped on them with my heels … And I would be upset … a little … And in general, it’s cool!) The truth!!!