It’s said that a tired dog is a good dog, but a rested and bored Pyrenean Shepherd can think up some highly creative ways to occupy themselves. This is, after all, a herding dog that covered up to 25 miles a day with their shepherds, usually with just two dogs being responsible for flocks that numbered 1,000 sheep. Also known by its French name, Berger des Pyrénées (pronounced ber-JAE day pyr-ray-NAE), North American fans of the Pyrenean Shepherd often shorten their name to “Pyr Shep.”
This is the number ONE problem I see with dogs- nothing to do but BARK BARK BARK. The person works and has little spare time and they get something like a terrier or a border collie and they have a food and water bowl and they think that is enough. It’s not.
So true, KaD! Dogs need a job, whether it’s something organized like lure coursing, herding, or nose work, or fetching the gardening gloves in the yard. No free rides, lol!