In the anime, Cowboy Bebop (anime, by the way, is a Japanese term for hand-drawn or computer animation), the main characters have a super-intelligent Pembroke Welsh Corgi named, “Ein” on their ship. While we’re pretty sure that most Pemmie owners will insist that “super intelligence” is common in their dogs, “Ein” actually cheated a little because his intelligence was greatly enhanced by a research facility making him a “data dog.” Despite Ein’s enhanced intelligence, he remains incapable of speaking (other than barking), so his intelligence largely goes unnoticed. Then Abdul Hakim steals Ein from the facility and Spike Spiegel ends up with Ein while attempting to apprehend Hakim but Ein remains a constant and important fixture in the Bebop cast up until Session 24. Ein is last seen living with Ed on Earth.
But that’s probably more than you wanted to know.