“The Herder” (Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2020)

Title:  “The Herder”

Artist: Natalya Durheim

Medium:  Watercolor and colored pencil on watercolor paper

Size: 10″ x 8″ x 0.062″

Price:  $45.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.

Artist’s Thoughts: “I immediately knew that I wanted to do something that applied to both what I love to do, as well as the parties it was being made for. I brainstormed different dog breeds and researched on the AKC website before finally deciding on my favorite breed in the herding group, the German Shepherd. I’ve always admired the loyalty and courage of this breed, and was ecstatic to produce an image of one. After deciding on the breed, I went through different concepts of how I wanted to portray it. I concluded that doing a simple portrait with bright and vibrant colors would convey my style as well as goal in an elegant yet creative way. Choosing my materials was a interesting journey, but watercolor and colored pencils seemed to be the best fit for the effect that I wanted. Overall I was overjoyed with the product and very proud of the process, I hope you guys feel it is well suited for representing purebred dogs in a creative way. Thank you so much for the opportunity!”


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