Title: “Squirrel!”
Artist: Astrid Colton
Medium: Colored Pencil
Size: 11.5″ x 15.25″ x .75″
Price: $350.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece
Artist’s Thoughts: The drawing is mainly black colour pencil with the focus on the poses of the 3 dogs as their attention is directed off the canvas. The reference image was provided by Pixabay, free images for artists. The labs were posed on a dock but it’s the action that captured my imagination to create this drawing.
I wanted to share a common trait with dogs, purebred or mixed breed. Many owners have experienced their dog focusing their attention to a “squirrel”. It also shows the different degrees of concentration, and excitement exhibited by the three dogs. It’s a lighthearted depiction of our furry companions. My goal with my art is to ask the viewer to spend time enjoying the subject of the drawing and to nudge the viewers into conversation with each other and share common experiences of our dogs. It to bring a smile and sweet memory of the times we share as dog lovers.