The film, The Biscuit Eater, was the last “Boy and his Dog” type movie made by Disney. By 1972 (when this remake of the 1940 original was made), the genre was growing out of fashion.
The story line is a little predictable: A bird dog trainer gets a dog he thinks is unteachable – and worse, it’s a “biscuit eater,” a hunting dog that will hunt only for its own food instead of pointing or retrieving. The trainer’s young son, however, would like to have a go, and he and his best friend successfully teach the dog named, “Moreover” how to point quail. The big ending is set at the Grand National Field Trials, but trouble arises when…..you’ll just have to watch the movie!
Of interest to us is the breed of the dog who portrays, “Moreover,” the “good-for-nothing” dog. One doesn’t see nearly enough German Wirehair Pointers in film, so it was a treat to see this one. The part was played by Rolph Van Wolfgang, a GWP discovered by noted dog trainer Henry “Hank” Cowl at the Golden Oak Ranch in Newhall. The dog had been born in Denmark and was the son of a dog popular in Scandinavian films.
One site explained that a very good reason one doesn’t see more of the breed on the Silver Screen is because the demands of acting require that the dog be kept indoors more than a German Wirehaired Pointer would appreciate.
I remember watching this, probably on “The Wonderful World of Disney” on a Sunday night.
Im pretty sure Moreover is a Pudlepointer instead of aGWP
I was thinking a Pointing Griffon
or perhaps a Czesky
It’s a Deutsch Drahthaar.
Agree- I have a Pudlepointer and we just saw the movie on Disney +!
We lost our GWP in 2016 heart breaking. I was flipping through Disney movies and came across this. I was like that’s my Emmett. I had a beautiful Chocolate brown one. Miss out Emmett everyday. I had never seen this movie until today.
Having just lost one of our dogs recently, we feel your pain, Judy. We don’t think you ever stop missing a beloved dog. We hope the movie brings more sweet memories than sorrowful ones.