If you don’t know who Barry Manilow or Marie Osmond are, we owe you a future post about Kylie Jenner or one of the Kardashians. For everyone else, we’re not checking birthdates. Just saying.
Barry Manilow loved his Beagles. He got “Bagel” in the early 1970’s, and featured her on several album covers, including the one you see at the left. Bagel had one or two litters, and out of her progeny, Manilow kept “Biscuit,” Bagel’s granddaughter. We suppose show business is a small world, and that like the dog world, friendships are forged. Enter Marie Osmond. When Marie turned 18 years old, Barry gave one of Bagel’s puppies to her on the Donny and Marie Show. See it happen at the 16:48 mark of the video below:
[iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/EFXBfyT-TEA”]