Though the book, Bashan and I, is a wonderful read for any dog lover, German Shorthaired Pointer fans will especially appreciate the story of the relationship between the author, Thomas Mann, and his spirited German Short-haired Pointer. While today’s sensibilities accept the sentience of animals, and especially of dogs, the book was first published in 1916 and may have been one of the first personal accounts of how a dog not only became a priceless companion, but also brought meaning to a person’s life. Of the book, the New York Times wrote, “Termed the finest study of the mind of a dog ever written, a few boldly assert that it is no doubt one of the greatest portrayals of a man’s mind. . . . An extremely lovable story. . . . An enchanting classic.”
Image: “”Hunting with German Shorthaired Pointer” in paper, watercolor, pencil, sanguine by Valery of HuntingArtStudio is available for purchase here.