Title: “Beach Time With Asia”
Artist: Martha Soriano
Medium: Mixed Media
Size: 30″ x 15″ x 2.5″
Price: $250.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece
Artist’s Thoughts: I have had an obsession with Great Danes since I was very young. The Dane on the sofa and the poodle are from photographs. The Dane on the beach was my dog Asia who died years ago. I could never paint her because I would get too emotional. One day in the studio, I felt her with me and just started sketching her. We went to the beach a lot with her. This was one such trip. She hated the water, but loved to play in the sand. I also drink lots of tea and she would sometimes try to pull the tea bag out of the mug. I thought it would be fun to include tea bags in the painting.