Boston University’s Boston Terrier mascot, “Rhett,” is well known in the world of college mascots, but he’s not the only BT mascot.

Blitz II “Ayeryel”
“Ka-Dee” debuted as the official Boston Terrier mascot of Wofford College in 2003. Called “Blitz” when performing her duties, she had a specially-designed log cabin house and roamed the sidelines in front of the student section during every football home game. Blitz didn’t missed a single home game from 2003-08, and even traveled with the football team to Western Carolina, the Citadel, Furman, Delaware, South Carolina and North Carolina State.
In 2006, Blitz was honored with her own Varsity Letter during the final home game of 2006. Sadly, she passed away on in 2008, during surgery to remove an abdominal mass found only the day before. Her duties were taken over by Blitz II, known to her family as “Ayeryel” (named for head football coach, Mike Ayers, by her owner, a Wofford graduate). She assumed the role of interim mascot for the remainder of the 2008 season and became “official” in 2009.
Redlands High School — in Redlands, California — also uses “the American Gentleman” as our mascot.
Thought you might like to know…
Deborah, we’re delighted to learn of this. We’ll see if we can find a photo of the mascot! Thank you!