Author, John Gribb, contended that the Springer Spaniel is the best all-around choice for hunting upland birds and game regardless of where one lives, and he goes on to maintain that it’s the most versatile sporting dog commonly found in America. The breed can handle upland game with “the panache of a pointer” while almost always working within gun range for the inevitable flushed bird. Where the primary interest is upland birds, including pheasants, grouse, woodcock and quail, and the secondary interest is in small game and waterfowl, a springer spaniel is the ideal dog. It’s almost custom-made to work in thick woods because the breed is a naturally close- working dogs, normally ranging no more than 40 yards from the gun in open cover and much closer in heavy brush.
We defer to our readers who are hunters. What say you?
“Annie,” a Springer Spaniel By Scott Zoellick shared with the kind consent of Chris Knudson
While I agree that the Springer is a versatile dog, we have found that the Boykin Spaniel is just a bit more fun! Meet CatalpaAcres Pure Panache!
We can’t disagree that the Boykin is also versatile, Debi. When we featured the breed as a Purebred of Interest on our Facebook page, we also learned how devoted owners are to their Boykins! “Rabid” is too strong a word (grin), but certain dedicated and smitten to their dogs. We learned why. The Boykin is a terrific breed!