The Shortest Breed Standard

If it seems like we’re always urging you to read your breed’s standard, it’s probably because we are. A breed standard is the only rule of thumb any of us have for ascertaining what’s appropriate for our respective breeds. If you’re a pet owner whose dog never gets near a show ring, we still think you should give your dog’s standard a read because knowledge is power. We want all purebred dog owners to rock. 

All that said, out of the 189 breeds now recognized by the #AKC, take a guess which breed has the shortest breed standard by word count? What’s your second pick? The answer comes in the next post. 

One more thing: There are different breed standards for different countries. At NPDD, we refer to the #AKC unless it’s a breed that the organization doesn’t yet recognize, and then we go to the United Kennel Club, or something else. Much of Europe uses Fédération Cynologique Internationale standards which you can find here. Canada refers to the Canadian Kennel Club; Australia’s is here, and New Zealand is here. We’re sure we’re missing some, so please feel free to add them below.
Bouvier des Flandres by LA Shepard/thedoglover

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