To our knowledge, it’s the only dog breed in the world with its own tartan.
During last year’s three-day event in Scotland to mark the 200th anniversary of Sir Walter Scott’s novel, “Guy Mannering,” (the book responsible for the naming of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier), Clan chief, Duke Richard of Buccleuch of Clan Scott, gave permission for the black and white tartan that Sir Walter Scott wore privately in his home to become the tartan of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. The Duke ceremoniously draped the tartan dating from 1822 over one of the Dandies present. It’s our sincere hope that the event, and every mention of the breed anywhere, brings attention to the plight of this vulnerable breed. In 2013, only 316 Dandies were born worldwide. #ProtectOurDogBreeds
If you are of Irish or Scottish descent and own a dog with similar origins, consider looking into your family’s tartan (pattern) and make a sash for your dog to proclaim its ancestry at public or holiday events. Most family tartans can be found in books on the subject, such as this one.
Image shared with kind permission of Arkoldor Kennel
The Skye Terrier now also has it’s own registered tartan, designed by Kate Smith.