What do these events have in common?
•Construction began on Brooklyn Bridge in New York;
•John D. Rockefeller incorporated Standard Oil;
•The Democratic Party used a donkey as its symbol for the first time;
•The US Army established the US National Weather Service;
•Joseph Rainey of South Carolina became the first African American sworn into the House of Representatives;
•Postcards were first used for the first time in America;
•The “Magic” (US) defeated the “Cambria” (England) in the second running of the America’s Cup.
Give up?
What these events had in common was that they all occurred the same year – 1870 – that an Irish Setter named “Elcho” was brought to the US by Charles H. Turner, and interest in the stunning breed was beginning. Six years later, Elcho became the first Irish Setter to win a championship in the U.S. He went on to sire 197 puppies and was hugely important in the establishment of the breed in this country. #AKC registration of the first Irish Setter, however, didn’t occur with Elcho, but with a dog named “Admiral” in 1878 (he was #534).
Image: Irish Setter by Larry Linton