Title: “Furball” – Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2025″
Artist: Renee Smith
Medium: Ink/pen
Size: 16″ x 16″ x 0″
Price: $400.00
Artist’s Thoughts: Affectionately nicknamed “Furball,” Ace was a Bulldog and my beloved fur brother. Ace was welcomed into my family in 2016 when my parents brought him home from a bulldog breeder. The moment I met him, I instantly fell in love. When I moved away for a job, I always returned to my parent’s home in Louisiana to visit Ace whenever I had free time. Before his third birthday, he crossed the rainbow bridge in 2019 from congestive heart failure. Not a day goes by without thinking about him. After Ace (Furball) passed away, I gained the strength to create this image of him using the printmaking technique linocut. It was a difficult process for me, knowing he may not be with me physically, but his spirit will always be with me. Ace was a wonderful companion and brought so much joy into my life. Creating this linocut print in his honor is a beautiful and meaningful way to remember him. He left a lasting impact; this tribute is a lovely way to keep his spirit alive.