Title: “George” – Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2025″
Artist: Becky Steele
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 14″ x 11″ x 1.5″
Price: NFS
Artist’s Thoughts: I believe all people and sentient beings deserve our love and respect and should be treated with kindness, compassion, and care. Doing animal paintings lets me showcase their individual personalities beautifully with my abstract style! I like to spend time with each one and talk with them so I can learn more about their quirks and personalities. Using bold, vibrant, colors, marks and brushstrokes I get to bring out their personalities in what I hope is a fun and playful way. The two paintings I have entered are two of my favorites. Charlie is my youngest son Brad’s dog and George is my oldest son Chad’s dog. They are both characters and totally socialized to sit and visit with any guest who comes by. I feel I was able to really capture and show off their fun and individual personalities. I believe art has its own universal language. Painting these beautiful animals in this way art can hopefully build bridges to better understanding and compassion for us all.