Few things are as sad as a funeral, and when a heartbroken dog is left behind as “Caesar” was, it makes the occasion all the sadder.
King Edward VII’s Fox Terrier was officially named, “Caesar of Notts,” but to those who disliked the dog, he was better as “Stinky.”
Sired by Cackler of Notts and whelped in 1898 in the kennels of the Duchess of Newcastle, Caesar had been given to King Edward VII by Lord Dudley in 1902 to replace the King’s earlier dog, “Jack,” who had choked to death on some food. Caesar was known far and wide as a dog with questionable manners, but the King adored him. To Edward, Caesar was loyal and steadfast, and this was repaid by the King taking Caesar everywhere the King went. Caesar had his own easy chair in which to sleep which was situated right next to the King’s bed, and he had his own footman who tended to his needs.
Caesar’s portrait was painted several times, and a model of him was even carved in chalcedony and studded with jewels by the master jeweler, Faberge. As befitting the pet of a royal, Caesar wore a collar with a gold tag that read, “I am Caesar. I belong to the King.” The tag was particularly useful since Caesar was fond of running off in search of adventure. On once occasion, the entire Marienbad Police Force was dispatched to find Caesar after he’d darted into the woods.
Caesar didn’t endear himself to his master’s subjects until 1910. After the King’s death, Caesar followed his master’s casket in the funeral procession led by a kilted Highland soldier, and international dignitaries followed behind the dog.
The sight of the little white heartbroken dog walking forlornly behind his master’s coffin was an image that people never forgot. Sharp eyes can spot Caesar at the 7:14 mark of this video taken at the funeral of King Edward VII. Look closely, he’s between two men:
Edward VII’s tomb is topped by an effigy of himself and his Queen, but Caesar lies curled up at the King’s feet. This, however, is not where Caesar was buried upon his own death. After the funeral, Caesar went to live with Queen Alexandra at Marlborough House in London, but he didn’t live much longer than the King, dying four years later in 1914.
Caesar was buried on the grounds of Marlborough House, and he was given a marble headstone which included his image.
He is in the company of other souls whom we presume were beloved pets, themselves:
“Silent Sorrow” seen above, was painted by Maud Earl and depicts Caesar with his head resting on Edward’s favorite chair. You can read more about Edward VII’s funeral here.
I adore this painting. It used to hang outside the AKC President’s office at 51 Madison. I worked there and loved seeing it.
How lucky you were to see it every day, Pam!!! We don’t recall seeing it at the opening of the Museum of the Dog in NYC last month, but if it was there the whole time and we simply missed it, Grrrrrr!