Help us Celebrate! Calling on Dog Clubs, Businesses, and maybe YOU

May 1, 2025  marks the 10th anniversary of National Purebred Dog Day’s official recognition by the State of Colorado. Since its acknowledgment, the states of Georgia, Connecticut, Maine and West Virginia have followed suit, and we think this is a pretty big deal for the only day that celebrates the contributions, heritage, and diversity of the purebred dog.

The contest will be judged by renowned figures in the dog world, David Frei, host of the televised National Dog Show, and Jack Grassa, veteran photographer for the Westminster KC Dog Show.




Businesses, your sponsorship will not only supports this educational initiative, but will also expand your brand’s visibility among serious dog enthusiasts. We will feature all contest sponsors and their contests on our website and across social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. With no entry fee and no financial interest, this contest is purely for the joy of celebrating purebred dogs.

Breed clubs, engage your membership while getting the word out about your breed, particularly if it is a vulnerable, rare, or uncommon breed.

National Purebred Dog Day raises awareness about the importance of preserving purebred dog breeds while educating through factoids, biographies. breed histories, and the unique characteristics and roles of various breeds

Sponsors are invited to craft their own contest theme, but we can help, too! There are a few basic rules, but have fun picking a theme!  The prize is what you decide it is, but previous prizes have included premium dog crates, cash credit cards, gift baskets, subscriptions, personal accessories, gas cards, grooming tools, artwork, DNA test kits, and more.  To see previous contests for ideas, visit this link. 

We are inviting your support to help make this contest truly special

Contact us at, or direct message us on Facebook.

Don’t wait!

Contest participants need time to plan and execute so we will be announcing the different “challenge” in the last week of March – first week of April.

To learn more about how to enter the contest, visit this link. 


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