The third largest island in South Korea is named Jindo. Tourists may know of the island for its annual festival that celebrates a narrow land pass that opens up briefly every year between the main island and Modo island. More sadly, others may remember Jindo for the 2014 sinking of Sewol ferry of its shore which killed over 300 passengers. We like to think of Jindo as the home of its native breed called the Jindo, South Korea’s most celebrated canine breed. So proud are the inhabitants of their dog that a sign in white letters easily seen by motorists hundreds of yards away is carved into a hillside that reads: “Homecoming White Dog Village.”
Jindos are famous for their homing instinct and loyalty, and while stories vary as to the breed’s origins, all islanders remember that their grandfathers used the dogs to hunt and control vermin. Today, the Jindo is an FSS breed with the AKC and when fully recognized, is hoped to become part of the Working Group.