The very pronounced tops of the hip bones, as seen on a breed like the Saluki, Azawakh, and Afghan Hound, are often called “hucklebones.” Technically speaking, this is the iliac crest of the pelvic girdle, but so far, we’ve not been able to unearth the origins of the word, other than that it’s been in use for easily over 100 years old, and may actually be archaic, etymologically speaking.
At one time, children living in Sussex, UK played “Dibs,” and in reading about the game, we saw mention of“ Huckle-bones,” the small bone found in the joint of the knee of a sheep, used to play. Later, dice were made from sheep hucklebones, and it’s possible that early fanciers thought there was resemblance between the two?
Image of Saluki found on Pinterest (among other places – none of which are credited). Credit happily given upon receipt of information