Title: “I Do Not Require Them” – Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2025
Artist: Mark Shevetone
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 48″ x 60″ x 1.5″
Price: $6,800.00
Artist’s Thoughts: In my paintings, I find connecting threads throughout the world and infuse humor into everyday scenarios. Sparked by personal experiences and the observation of my surroundings, I seek resonance in our shared thoughts, dreams, and idiosyncrasies, weaving them into the tapestry of my artwork. I use a bright luminous palette to inject humor and color into the dull or show a different side of the expected. The latest series of paintings feature our English bulldog “Belma.” A dog unlike any other. Belma’s personality mirrors closer to human than dog so I enhanced her bulldog traits by putting her in situations that would fit right in the Las Vegas area.