“Happy accidents” are what happen to us when in the course of researching one thing, we find something pretty cool along the way. It was during our Purebred of Interest feature on the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog that we came across this terrific drawing of Swissy musculature by Erin Lindeke (Cook) drawing under the name, “COOKEcakes” on Deviantart.com.
The bad news is that it’s the only such rendering the artist made (though it’s good news for Swissy owners who probably love this). The better news is that will looking for more work by Linideke, we came across a site that offers charts on canine structure, anatomy and more, and as far as we can tell, they’re downloadable.
Dog geeks love this stuff (ask your serious dog fancier friends how many of them would want one of these for their very own).