Purebred Labrador Retrievers are accepted by the AKC in three colors, and they’re not “golden” Labs, “brown” Labs, or silver Labs. They are black, yellow and chocolate. About “silver” Labs…..
Many Labrador Retriever experts believe that “silver” Labs are nothing more than a result of a Labrador and Weimaraner cross: Resulting puppies always have the diluted D gene turned on (dd). This combo produces a dog that essentially looks like a Lab, and if bred to a chocolate Lab, the results might look and act like Labs. “Silver” Labrador Retrievers can be registered in some countries, and while the AKC allows their registration, it’s only as the color chocolate – most silvers are a diluted chocolate color. There isn’t a kennel club in the world that recognizes “silver” Labradors.
“Marsh Madness” by Jim Killen
If registered as a Chocolate, but, clearly does not look like a Chocolate in color; instead colors of Silver, Blue or Charcoal, Champagne then WHY is it registered as a Chocolate.. DNA testing should be done on ALL Labrador retrievers. Anything that is not Black, Chocolate or Yellow is Not a Labrador. Stop Diluting the breed. Demand DNA Testing to be registered AKC, etc..