How much do Boykin Spaniel people love their breed? In South Carolina, there is an annual Boykin Christmas Parade, and the dogs are a celebrated part of it.
Historic Boykin, SC, which, as of 2010, had a population of one hundred people, draws thousands (as in 20,000 and more) spectators who gaze in awe of up to seventy “floats” (which, let’s be honest, include tractors, manure spreaders, horses, pontoons, carriages, wagon, Jalopies, and old farm equipment) and take full advantage of the music, food vendors, restaurants, and the Gospel sing-along at Swift Creek Church. It’s the best of small town living.
As an aside, right before Christmas in Columbia, SC, a group often walks for Boykin Spaniel Rescue in the Carolina Carillon parade too:
Boykin Spaniels, affectionately nicknamed Swamp Poodles or Little Brown Dogs, were ideal for hunters on the Wateree River who needed a small rugged dog that could retrieve on land and water. The dog’s size was especially ideal to fit into “section boats” which were held together by bolts to form a large craft, its three sections with seats removable so they could be “nested.” Learn more about this breed from the lips of Mary Deas Boykin, the great grand daughter of the original Boykin Spaniel breeder:
Stay up to date for future goings-on by friending the Boykin Christmas Parade’s Facebook page.
We’re looking for the person who sent us the thumbnail photo of the Boykin Spaniels in the bed of a pick-up truck so that we may properly credit them. Anyone?
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