Title: “Lily, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel”
Artist: Catherine Sheppard
Medium: Pastel
Size: 13.5″ x 10″ x 1″
Price: NFS
Artist’s Thoughts: I have to begin with a good photo with a lot of detail so I mostly take my own photos with my Nikon camera. I make sure I photograph in the sun to capture all the detail and colors in the animal. I print out the image full size so I get all the detail possible and put it down on pastel paper. Using pan pastel for the base and build up with pastel pencil for the detail.
I chose this interesting breed of dog because the owner said it was very old from the 1800s out of Great Britain. It is a purebred, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Very beautiful in color. I photographed Lily on a sunny day which would help capture the variations in her dark colored coat. I then chose a pastel paper which would bring harmony to the painting.