Now THIS is a Tough Breed Quiz

When we came across an on-line quiz touted as the “hardest dog breed quiz ever,” we took a look at it and thought, “Pfffft.” National Purebred Dog Day readers will sail through it in a minute. And then we thought, “Let’s give our readers a real test. To be nice, we only used the images of breeds that have been featured on these pages before, so veteran readers will have a “leg up.” The test is below, your task is to name each breed. We’ll give you fair warning when the answers are ahead. We know the pictures aren’t perfect (good help is so hard to find). Do it anyway.

Did you know that dogs are digitigrade animals, meaning that their digits — not their heels — take most of their weight when they walk?  And yes, this is a distraction. 

Did you know, too, that “Hell Hall” was the name of Cruella de Vil’s home in the movie, “101 Dalamtians?” Another distraction;

Here’s another one (and if you like this sort of thing, follow us on Twitter where we post trivia every hour. Look for us by our “handle: @NPurebredDogDay): Scientists reporting in the journal Physiological Behavior in 1977 recorded the electrical activity of the brains of six pointer dogs for 24 hours, and found that the dogs spent 44 percent of their time alert, 21 percent drowsy and 12 percent in REM sleep. They also spent 23 percent of their time in the deepest stage of non-REM sleep, called slow-wave sleep;

A couple more: Once while on holiday at Balmoral, Queen Elizabeth II was hugely displeased to learn that her dogs’ supposedly freshly cooked meals were actually frozen and reheated; kept a record of names of dogs who were booked on their site & found that just under 49% of them had human names; 

Your final distraction: At least four states have laws allowing some form of combined burial for owners and their pets.

We needed the distractions to eat up space so we could warn you that the quiz answers are right below the picture of the Pug shared by Risky M. Molnar:

Ready? Here they are!

How did you do?

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