One of the Shiba’s Genetic Ancestors

Few countries demonstrate as much pride in their native dogs as Japan. The Japanese government has a system for designating National Monuments as part of the Law for the Protection of Cultural Property. Japan’s cultural properties include geographical, historical, and scientifically valuable sites, as well as natural features that include animals, such as dogs. Between 1931 and 1937, six native Japanese dog breeds were designated as Natural Monuments, a vivid demonstration of Japan’s commitment to preserving its canine heritage. The designation was given to the Akita (1931), Kishu and Kai (1934), Shiba (1936) and the Shikoku and Hokkaido (1937).

Of these groups, the Shiba Inu is the smallest,  and before WWII, it was further categorized into three subgroups, the Shiba Mino, Shiba Shinshu, and the Shiba Sanin. Each was bred in a different prefecture, and each had slightly different attributes.  Dr. Hiroyoshi Saito, a pivotal figure in preserving Japanese dog breeds in the early 20th century, founded the Nihon Ken Hozonkai (NIPPO) officially recognized in 1937.  He was instrumental in having Japanese dogs designated as national monuments, and it was he who gave the three aforementioned “sub breeds” a common name – Shiba (G. Hasket, S.Houseer, 2003).

In this post, we pay closer attention to the Shiba Mino because it was one of the three foundation lines used to produce and preserve today’s Shiba Inu. Note that NIPPO (Japan’s oldest and most authoritative canine registry) does not recognize or register Mino Shibas as a separate breed. We cover it because it is an important aspect of the Shiba Inu’s history.

Originating in the Gifu Prefecture, the Shiba Mino (also known as the Minowa Shiba Inu) was a smaller, more refined build compared to the other Shiba varieties. With “fleshy” ears, deep brown angled eyes, and “sashi-o” (pointed tail) that is unlike the curled tails common in modern Shiba Inu, the Mino’s most distinctive phenotype was probably its deep mahogany color without “urajiro” (the white or cream markings typical in modern Shibas).

After the war (and a severe distemper outbreak), the Mino and Sanin Shibas were practically extinct, and the remaining dogs of the various bloodlines, including the Mino Shiba, were combined to produce the Shiba Inu as it is known today. We’ve read that a few Mino Shibas have appeared at NIPPO shows, but given that the Mino is considered to be extinct, additional sources suggest that modern Shiba Inus exhibiting characteristics similar to the historical Mino Shiba appeared only to educate the public about the breed and its history.

It is always unfortunate to lose dogs that went into the gene pool of a beloved “modern” breed like the Shiba In, but the Mino’s legacy lives on in the characteristics of today’s Shiba Inu.

Meanwhile, our image at the top is a puzzle.  The photo taken by Jonnyjto was found on iStock where it is labeled a Shiba Mino. Since the breed no longer exists, the photo has to have been mislabeled. We include it because it offers a “kind-of sort-off idea of what the Mino might have looked like. 

Shiba Mino, Shiba Shinshu, Shiba Sanin, Shiba Inu, National Monuments, Dr. Hiroyoshi Saito, NIPPO,


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