Photo Contest


Lakeview Dog Gear’s “A Dog’s View of Heaven” Photo Challenge

National Purebred Dog Day is pleased to welcome first time sponsor, Lakeview Dog Gear, crafters of handmade dog collars for ...

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America’s “Fictional Character” Photo Challenge

National Purebred Dog Day is honored to welcome the return of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club of America, and delighted ...

In Memory of Flynn: The “Get Off My Lawn!” Photo Challenge

Meet Flynn. Flynn was the most opinionated Collie that many folks had ever met, and in his old age, he ...

Graymatter Animals’ “Steampunk Pup” Photo Challenge

Steampunk is a marvelous category of science fiction that fuses the future with 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Steampunk "fashion" is ...

Kingsbury Harriers’ “A Nose For Trouble” Photo Challenge

What can any of us do to help save an ancient dog breed from vanishing in our lifetime? Education is ...

SilkNQuick Silken Windhounds’ “The Eyes Have It” Photo Challenge

We welcome first time sponsor, SilkNQuick Silken Windhounds,  the famously elegant, small to medium-sized sighthound with the moderately long, silky ...

Magnolia Pet Sitting Service’s “Animal’s Got Talent” Photo Challenge

Our dogs are natural talents at making us laugh, awing us with their athleticism, or showing off a new trick ...

Preservationists of Purebred and Purposefully Bred Dogs’ “Where’s Waldo” Photo Challenge

We are delighted to welcome back as sponsors, Preservationists of Purebred and Purposefully Bred Dogs, true partners in helping promote, ...

How To Enter NPDD’s 2023 Photo Contest – NEW INFO!

You've taken a photo for one of National Purebred Dog Day's challenges for the 2023 Photo Contest, and you want ...

A List of All 2022 Photo Challenges

Scroll down to see all the challenges for NPDD's 2022 Fun Photo Contest in one place (and in no particular ...

Susan Trueper’s “Blondes Have More Fun” Photo Challenge

Who doesn't love a good anecdote? We welcome first time sponsor, artist Susan Trueper, who is the proud owner of ...

Kathleen Dahmer’s “Hidden Message” Photo Challenge

We know what a pain it is to include one of National Purebred Dog Day's signs in a photo entry ...