Title: “Pug Life”
Artist: Rebecca O’Brien
Medium: Chinese Ink on Canvas
Size: 75 cm x 55 cm x 0″
Price: $1400.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.
Artist’s Thoughts: Made during 2018, the year of the dog, in Shenzhen, China, all of these pieces were made as part of a larger series entitled “Don’t Worry, Be (Dog) Happy”. These pieces were created with the intention of highlighting the joys, personality, sense of humor and jovial companionship that dogs can provide to those around them. When seen through a personified lense, dogs (in costumes and captured in pose) can often provide us humans a much-needed comic relief. They are the perfect conduit through which we can rediscover our own good nature and help us maintain a healthy sense of humor towards life every day. With permission from their owners, she selected various dogs to be her muses and focused in on the gaze of her subjects in order to transmit their merriment to the viewer.