Title: “The Blues Unplugged”
Artist: Dana Doran
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 30″ x 24″ x 1″
Price: $1600.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.
Artist’s Thoughts: “Last year I stumbled across an ad for a purebred (UKC) Rat Terrier puppy that captured my heart, and in short order he became my constant companion. True to breed’s documented characteristics, he’s smart and athletic with, at times, an overwhelming dash of mischief…in short, he thrives on teasing. My thinking was to create a portrait of the Rat Terrier, though while extreme, demonstrates the degree to which he might tease, as in unplugging a guitar from it’s amp. The guitar portrayed here is the famous “Lucille,” the guitar that B.B. King used to play “the Blues.” Unplugging the guitar from its amp implies that it is nearly impossible for anyone to have “the Blues” while in the presence of the effervescent Rat Terrier, and in my case, his name is Picasso.”
Great blues and a dog to match, what a cool painting! Years ago, I gave 2nd in a very lovely Bred By Exhibitor group to a beautiful Rat Terrier (1st went to a young Airedale Terrier bitch who also placed in the regular group at 18 months!). The Rat Terrier I placed in the BBX group was 12 years old (twelve!!) and it was clear she had been out working in the barn the day before and intended fully to return there again that afternoon and get her some varmints! 😉 This pup has the same intensity of expression!
Thank you so much!