Title: “The Magnifi-scent Seven”
Artist: Trevor Bowman
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 48″ x 60″ x 2″
Price: $1,500.00
Artist’s Thoughts: I wanted to do a piece reminiscent of the old 50s movie posters with the focus on the head of each character to showcase their personality. I chose one breed from each of AKC’s seven groups. The Treeing walker coonhound for the hound, Australian cattle dog for the herder, Boxer for the working, German Short-haired pointer for the sporting, Cairn terrier for the terrier, Pug for the toy, and Dalmatian for the non-sporting. I picked the breeds because I was raised with Australian cattle dogs, and currently own a TWC whose best friend is a boxer. My step-mom raised Dalmatians and Cairns. I love the cartoon personality of the pug and focus of the GSP. I focused mostly on head shots, so I wanted to bring out their individual personalities and features.