On a Sunday morning, some of us will be “up at at ’em,” and some of us get to sleep in. Either way, some folks have strong feelings about where their dog should sleep (and we guess we just tipped our hand because we didn’t include “dog house” in the choices offered, but more on that in a minute). At the end of the day, we think what most matters is that the dog sleeps where it works for both dog and human. Some dogs prefer the security of their crate, while others prefer the human bed (and your side of it, if possible). Other dogs love the coolness of a tiled bathroom floor.
We no longer remember where we read the story of the “musher” (sled dog enthusiast, and driver of a dog sled) who was reported to a humane society for neglect because he didn’t provide a dog house for every dog on his property. The dogs were in great condition, and the chap insisted that his dogs preferred sleeping outdoors, but he faced fines if he didn’t provide a house for each canine. Dutifully, he provided a shelter for each of the twenty or so dogs he had, and when an inspector from the humane society came to check on the dogs on one particularly frigid night, he found each dog sleeping on top of its dog house.
Perhaps it was an urban legend, but not every dog likes to be in a cozy bed. It’s important to know your dogs and their breed. Nordic breeds are not like other breeds; their DNA has equipped them with ears, tails, eyes, and coat specially adapted to cold weather. All that said, where does your dog like to sleep?
Video from UpVee