We embrace all dogs, whatever their ancestry, but we especially celebrate purebred dogs whether they’re couch potato or Best in Show winners. Not all dogs are show dogs, but all the show dogs we know are pets, and occasionally, it’s fun to have a bit of fun with the dog fancy. From Woofipedia comes a light-hearted infograph that helps us determine our own dog show names.
For our non-show friends, every dog registered with the AKC has an “official name” and a “call name.” The “official name” includes a kennel name (think of it as a surname) which is what the dog is known by in the dog show ring. His or her “call name” is what we call them at home, and if they’re like our dogs, they may have four or five different ones. Be sure to share with us your dog show name. We’re Kennel King’s Lauded Wagworth.
Image of Ernesto Lara with “Joe,” aka “Banana Joe,” aka as GCH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari, Best in Show winner at Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 2013