Where Size Meets Versatility

As height allowances go, few breed standards in the AKC Sporting Group are as as generous the Bracco Italiano’s. A whopping six inches covers the range of acceptable height at the withers (and to be specific, the AKC’s range is between 21 to 27 inches. The preferred size for males in this oldest of European pointers is 23 to 27 inches, while in females, the preferred size is between 21 to 25 inches).

That said, one might ask: Why such latitude?

The short answer is that the height range reflects historical, regional and functional considerations.

The longer answer is that the short answer doesn’t really answer the question.

Since this is a performance breed, let us first address functionality. A Bracco might find itself in various hunting conditions where “one size does not fit all.” A shorter Bracco may excel at ground scenting in certain conditions. She might be more agile in dense undergrowth and tight spaces, and be better suited for hunting in heavily wooded areas. A taller Bracco has, to state the obvious, a higher nose position which is advantageous in scenting airborne odors. Taller dogs may also cover more ground with each stride, and when pointing, be more visible in taller vegetation.

Bottom line: An ample height range in the Bracco Italiano standard gives a hunter latitude by allowing them to select dogs best suited to their specific hunting conditions while maintaining its characteristic working abilities.

The breed’s expansive height range reflects its historical development, with two distinct regional variants emerging in Italy. These regional differences in type contributed to the broad stature spectrum preserved in today’s breed standard.

The “Piedmontese Pointer ,” or “Leggero” was strong and deep chested, and lighter in body. This dog galloped easily in mountain terrain.

The Lombard Pointer (“Pesante, Grande”) was used in the marshy lowlands where its heavier body type and trotting gait were better suited.

In the 1920s, the two variations of the breed were unified to preserve genetic diversity, but the height chosen in the new standard included the minimum height of the “light” Bracco to the maximum height of the “heavy” Bracco. The Italian conformation standard simply incorporated aspects of both breed types which included the height range. Important to note is that the AKC standard points out the significance of proportions: Length of the body is the same or a little more than the height at the withers.

Image: Bracco Italiano by CM Smith/Dreamstime


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