Which is Which?

A cursory glance at this photo may lead to these dogs being identified as Mudik, but only one of them actually is. The other is a Croatian Sheepdog. Can you tell which is which?

It’s worth learning how to make the distinction because one day, both of these breeds will be in the AKC’s Herding Group (the Mudi was fully recognized by the AKC in 2022) while the Croatian Sheepdog is part of the AKC’s Foundation Stock Service). Mind you, there are many differences between these two ancient breeds that warrant careful study before evaluating either dog in a show ring setting, so please note that what we’re offering below is a “hit-and-run” approach intended only to help a casual observer identify the breeds in a flash.  

At first glance, both of these sheepdogs may be regarded as medium in size, and neither is coarse. Both have wedge-shaped heads and muzzles that taper to the nose. Both have prick ears (the Croatian Sheepdog, however may also have semi-pricked ears), and both have eye shapes that are somewhat similar (the Croatian’s eyes are oval shaped, the Mudi’s are almond shaped). Both also have skulls that are slightly longer than the muzzle.

What are instant impressions we can make, then,  to help us sort out the two?

One significant difference is that the Mudi is a square dog while the Croatian Sheepdog has a rectangular body.

The Croatian Sheepdog is also, by and large, a taller breed with males ideally topping out at a little under 20 inches to the Mudi’s ideal top range of 18½ inches; The Mudi typically weighs less than a Croatian Sheepdog.

The Croatian Sheepdog has a long tail that when stretched downwards, should reach the hock joint or even slightly longer.  A Mudi tail can come in all natural lengths, and that includes a natural bob tail.

The Croatian Sheepdog comes in any color as long as it is black (a few white hairs are permissible),  while the Mudi can be black, brown, gray, grey-brown, or yellow and white, as well as a merle pattern in any of the acceptable colors.

A Mudi’s face and the front of his legs are covered by short, straight and smooth hair, but on the other parts of his body, the coat can be very wavy to curly, and dense. It can be about 1 inch to 3 inches long while a Croatian’s hair may be as long as 5 inches.

A Mudi’s eyes should be as dark as possible, however, merle patterned dogs can have solid brown, blue, or brown speckled with blue eye(s), brown, gray and gray-brown dogs can have lighter brown eyes, and yellow and white colored dogs can have dark brown, lighter brown, blue, or brown speckled with blue eye(s).

A Croatian Sheepdog’s eyes should always be dark. Period. It may range from black to dark chestnut brown, but it should be dark.

Perhaps by now you’ve decided which dog is which? If you believe the dog on the right is the Mudi, you are correct!


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