Why Do We Post What We Post?

Some of you won’t care, but over the years, plenty of you have asked us how or why we write about the things we write about. Ideally, we have a breed and a topic in mind, but more often than not, we end up taking a tortured – and circuitous – path to get to our end result. We have a good example of something that happened an hour ago.  
We wanted to know what an A.L.C.B.A. Leopard is. That took us to a forum talking about American Leopard Dogs. Someone on the forum mentioned the American Leopard Cur. Wanting to know the difference between the American Leopard Dog and the American Leopard Cur, we were taken to a site on which someone wrote that Catahoula Leopard Dogs are in the “Wagon Hound” category.
We weren’t actually wondering about the Catahoula Leopard Dog, but we got plenty curious about what a “wagon hound” is. THAT took us to the video below:

We’re a bit suspicious that the “wagon” dogs seen here (Labs, as it happens) aren’t the “wagon hound” we were curious about, but it was still something we didn’t know because we are bold in our confidence that we don’t know everything, and as herding breed people, we certainly don’t know most things about the hunting world.
From Leopard Hound to Wagon dog. Research can take you down rabbit holes!  And if anyone can shed more light on either wagon hounds or wagon dogs, we’re all ears!
Image: Labrador Retriever Family Taking ride in Wagon by is available for purchase here

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