You know how we keep urging you to start an Instagram account for your dog?
A while back, Tarynn Brown created such an account for her Golden Retriever, “Charlie.” “Charlie was our only child for two years,” Tarynn said, “but we decided to give him a brother when we moved from Chicago to Indianapolis because he needed a playmate. ” That’s when “Bodie” joined the family, and Tarynn soon realized that pictures of the two plotting, playing, sleeping and cuddling had taken over her personal feed.
In 2017, Tarynn shot a super cute video of Bodie, the naughtier of the two, “slow-walking-like-a-panther” to well behaved Charlie with a personal plan to snatch a shared toy. The video went viral and turned the dogs into social media stars.
Companies like Stainmaster notice this sort of thing, and Charlie and Bodie (and Tarynn, too) were soon stars of a Stainmaster commercial:
Tarynn also got some air time:
A third Golden Retriever, “Riggs,” was added to the mix earlier this year. “I’ve had goldens since I was 13 years old,” Tarynn concludes. “Their personalities and temperaments are just amazing… they’re the only dogs I’ve ever known.”
The dogs currently have 240,000 Instagram followers, and you can follow them on Facebook, as well. See what you can happen when your dog(s) have their own Instagram page? Take great pictures and you might be the next owner to get a commercial with your pooches.