Ben, the real laughing dog behind the logo
The next time you’re in Sandpoint, Idaho, stop in at the Laughing Dog Craft Beer Brewery where you just might meet “Ben,” the yellow Labrador Retriever behind the brewery’s logo. His owners, Fred and Michelle Colby, maintain that they discuss new ideas for brews and flavors with Ben, and Ben gives his okay by offering one bark for “yes,” and two barks for, “no.” When Ben retires from brewing, he’ll pass the torch onto his son, “Ruger,” to make “day-to-day barks of approval.” Evidently, Ruger is already the inspiration for “Devil Dog” described as a “feisty brew with a full bite.”
Ben and Ruger are just a couple of the many dogs that grace the labels of craft beers these days, but maybe you want your dog to be so famous. You could brew your own beer, we suppose (and many people do), or you could finesse the truth and slap one of the beer or wine labels you make starring your dog! To make your own beer, wine or spirits label like the one at the left, go here.