“Not just for Show”(Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2017)

Title: “Not just for Show”

Artist: Nicole Munch

Medium: Acrylic on wood

Price: Not disclosed Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.

Artist’s Thoughts: When I was young our family owned adopted dogs and dogs from pet stores. We never really knew if they were purebred or what they were or where they came from. When I moved out on my own I knew I wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog. I found a Bernese on Kijiji and quickly learned about puppymills and backyard breeders. Sadly my first dog got very sick at a young age and I started a lot of research into purebred and what to look for in a breeder. After a lot of research my husband and I purchased our first purebred, registered Bernese Mountain Dog and now we also have a purebred Newfoundland Dog. I have learned the hard way that purebred and well bred dogs are worth the money and the wait. I now try to teach people of the importance of purebred, not just for show but to make sure we do not lose beautiful breeds.

Image Details: 18×24

I knew I wanted a dog from each of the groups. I wanted to portray them like super heroes much like Marvel and DC comics. I wanted to add a lot of colour, each colour of the rainbow, and show what these dogs were originally bred to do. I wanted the dogs to be the show but highlight that “purebreds are not just for show”. I created an 18 x 24 acrylic on wood portraying 7 dogs from the 7 groups. The hard part was finding photos I could use as reference without copywrite issues.  #NPDDArt2017

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