Title: “All Numbers, Many and Few”
Artist: Cynthia Jackson
Medium: Mixed media – watercolor, acrylic, pigment ink on clay board
Size: 24″ x 18″ x 1.5″
Price: $2000.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.
Artist’s Thoughts: The theme is “Numbers many and small”. Every pure breed is important to maintain, including popular breeds, as well as those not-so popular and possibly facing extinction. This image depicts two breeds of each of the AKC groups, one popular and one not-so-popular, to raise awareness of many of these unfamiliar breeds. My photography skills are lacking. I do have the raw images taken with my SLR camera at 4752 pixels. This image lacks the details and features that make it special. If you have an interest, I would be happy to arrange a professional photo.