Title: “Dogs of my Life, Eternal Love” – Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2025″
Artist: Markelita Bogue
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 24″ x 18″ x 1″
Price: $1,350.00
Artist’s Thoughts: “Dogs of My Life, Eternal Love,” was created on a canvas woven with the tender threads of devotion, where the spirits of loyal companions stand immortal as a quiet reverence for the bonds I’ve shared with the dogs who have walked beside me. As I painted, I thought of their loyalty, their joy, and the way their presence filled my life with an unconditional love that words can’t fully capture. Rustin, the most beautiful of all shepherds, my first dog, who shared my crib each night, a silent protector by my side as a baby. Pirata, my beloved Great Dane, whose quiet grace guided me through the stormy pre-teen years with gentle strength. Lina, who showed me the true meaning of tender motherhood. Sissie, Dolly, Lady, Trigger, each one a soul of nobility and sweetness. Loki, my Golden Retriever, who stands beside me as I work on my paintings, ever so calm in the midst of creation. This piece is not only dedicated to the dogs in my life but about the universal truth that love, once given, stays with us forever.