“Amazing Purebreds” (Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2020)
Artist: Ildiko OBrien
Medium: Watercolor (400 series cold press watercolor paper)
Size: 18′” x 24′
Price: $400.00 Contact National Purebred Dog Day to inquire about purchasing this piece.
Artist’s Thoughts: “In my poster entry I depicted one or two breeds from the eight dog groups which was required which are herding, sporting, working, hounds, terriers, toy, miscellaneous, and non-sporting. I researched all eight dog groups on AKC.org and made a list of the dogs in each group and chose one or two I liked the best, including family pets for a personal connection. I depicted the dogs with their diverse characteristics and backgrounds by including architectural landmarks representing their countries of origin and portrayed them in the various activities they are known for. I also wanted to capture their unique and endearing qualities.”