On these pages, we sometimes write about how to tell the difference between what “lay folk” see as similar breeds, i.e., the English Cocker Spaniel and the (American) Cocker Spaniel. Two of the “how to tell the difference” breeds we’ve covered have been the Norwich Terrier and Norfolk Terrier, and long time readers will remember our hint: Remember that the NorWITCH Terrier has a pointy hat (ears) like a witch’s hat. That said, we would be remiss in not sharing what the great handler and judge, Annie Rogers Clark once said on the subject. When asked to explain the difference between the two, Mrs. Clark said, “Easy…the Norwich with their ears up bark and don’t think, the Norfolks with their ears down think and then bark!”
Both were historically carried in a saddlebag by a hunter on horseback, and when a fox was holed by the hounds, the dog was pulled out of the bag and set on the ground to bolt the fox out of its den. Whatever order either breed chooses when on the hunt, however, there are other differences between the two distinct breeds. Annie Clark added that in her estimation, Norfolks have more angles in their “stem” and “stern” than a Norwich has, and though they appear longer, they shouldn’t be. They should chunky and short-backed, off square with more of a wedge shaped muzzle, and their foreface slightly shorter than their backskull.
Owners have told us that Norfolks are thinkers and a wee bit more independent than Norwiches when it comes to following directions. Put another way, Norwiches hesitate in the hopes that their owner will do the job for them, but at least with them. Norfolks are quite happy to “get ‘er done” by themselves.
We’re not sure who once said that their Norfolk wants them, but that the Norwich they once owned needed them; we’re told the sentiment is not off the mark.
Image: Norfolk Terrier photo credit:Nigel Wallace/iStock Photo