“Beagling” is, traditionally speaking, hare hunting on foot (not horseback!) with a pack of hounds, and there IS a method to assembling a pack beyond putting a bunch of dogs together. A pack is typically a combination of adults and pups who will be trained together while bearing in mind that each dog has a unique personality, and one dog may learn differently than the other.
Packs are comprised of anywhere from four hounds (called “two couple”) to as many as twenty couples of Beagles closely matched in speed and running style. No one dog is expected to do all the work, but each contributes something. Ideally, the dogs work together as if they were one unit, or, as some Beaglers say, they should work as such a tight knit group that one could “throw a blanket over the entire pack.”
Image of the Caynsham Beagle Pack from 1885
Image Author Unknown but retrieved from the Public domain via Wikimedia Commons