“Bodie Rock” – Entry in National Purebred Dog Day Fine Art/Poster Competition 2025

Title: “Bodie Rock”

Artist: Karla Austin

Medium: Mixed media – watercolor, acrylic, airbrush, pencil on paper

Size:  28″ x 36″ x 2″

Price:  NFS

Artist’s Thoughts:  This mixed media painting is of my dog, Bodie, a black and white purebred Australian shepherd. We were at our favorite campground in the Sierras and Bodie was posing on a rock. I tried to capture his personality (fun loving and social) as well as the environment surrounding him.

In my paintings I have tried to capture the essence and feelings of forms from nature. I describe my work as “expressionistic or atmospheric environmental landscapes”. Modeled space is used to give an image the atmospheric quality that can appear to transcend a particular scene. At the same time I have explored movement and motion conveyed by lines of varying widths, lengths and depths. Each of my paintings is an exercise in applications of paint using watercolor, acrylic, airbrush and pencil to arrive at a resulting image on paper that seems to have a life of its own. My aim is to create a mood or feeling associated with a given scene. In this painting, my form from nature happen to be my dog, Bodie. Bodie is a purebred black and white Australian shepherd. Why? Because he makes a great model. He’s photogenic, smart, loves everyone and also happens to be my best pal. Australian shepherds are my favorite breed because of their intelligence and loyalty.


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