In 2011, a new show on the Discovery Channel aired that dramatized the life of people who produce moonshine, an illegally made high-proof distilled spirit typically made with corn mash, in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. In one episode, one of the dogs we meet is “Camo,” a Catahoula Leopard Dog (the other is “Cutie Pie,” a mixed breed who is, well, cute!) We’ll let the video below tell the rest of the story, but there is an addendum that underscores the dangers of illicit activities: In 2014, “Camo,” was shot by least 40 shotgun pellets, most likely birdshot. She recovered (you can read the rest of the story here), but earlier this month, she went missing and we’ve not come across any indication that she’s been found.
As an aside, in 2013, “Camo’s owner went legit started making his brew legal: Tim Smith’s Climax Moonshine named after the Virginia town where he lives, and featuring “Camo” on the label.
If you’re unable to see the video, click here.
Photo of “Camo” and “Moonshiners’ star, Tim Smith, from the article linked above