Title: “Dog Days of Summer”
Artist: Nathan Dusaban
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 6″ x 6″ x 1″
Price: NFS
Artist’s Thoughts: I painted a unique dog every day this past summer and ended up with about 60 individual portraits. Each square panel is a different breed with various characteristics and physical features that differentiate them from one another. The colored grid/backgrounds reinforces the spectrum and variations of purebred dogs while organizing and uniformly balancing the composition symmetrically.
I wanted to create these portraits with a sense of joy and adoration for all dogs while recognizing the inherent physical beauty of each individualized breed. I tried to focus on each dog’s facial expressions and range of emotions through their eyes but convey the variegation and predictability of coloration and fur texture that the breeds possess and have acquired. Finally, I painted the backgrounds a solid saturated color to give a “pop art” and contemporary sensibility.