It’s possible that no other breed appeared in as many films and TV shows as the German Shepherd Dog. Movie history is replete with the dogs known the world over such as Strongheart and Rin Tin Tin, but we like to remember the cinema dogs who didn’t become as famous. One such dog was “Friday.”
“Friday” appeared in the 1942 movie, “Eyes in the Night,” based on the novel, “The Odor of Violets” by Baynard Kendrick. In a plot nutshell, a blind detective and his seeing-eye dog (Friday) investigate a murder and discover a Nazi plot. Along the way, the German Shepherd gets to leap through a high window, climb walls, and avoid a temptress Poodle. “Friday” was the son of another cinema dog, “Flash,” who appeared in several movies in the 1930s.
Below, Friday is seen with “Eyes in the Night” co-star, Donna Reed on the set of director Fred Zinnemann’s movie. Friday was wearing headphones plugged into a moveable sound recording device for reasons not explained.
“Friday” also played with Edward Arnold the blind detective in a 1945 movie called THE HIDDEN EYE. Great acting by Friday in this film as well as fine acting by Mr. Arnold and Frances Rafferty.
We’ll look for it, Jim, thanks for the tip!
I’m watching Eyes In The Night right now and I’m very impressed with handsome Friday!! GSDs are my favorite breed. Canines are my favorite people ♥️
I came across this gem on YouTube today, fell in love with Friday and am now watching The Hidden Eye.
I’m just about2 watch it! Fell in love w/Rin Tin Tin as a very little kid…
Another movie where the dog steals the show
Thanks for the background on Friday. He should have an entry at IMDb.
He should, Catherine. The other maddening thing is that when we look into dogs that appear in commercials, there’s rarely (almost as in “never”) any information about the dog, his or her breed, name, etc. Grrrrr.
Let’s not forget Roy Rodgers BULLET!
Never! Bullet was important!
Just watched Friday in Eyes in the Night, and he was an amazing athlete
Indeed I Agree!! I just watched Eye in the Night, and Friday was Awesome and Amazing!!!! I have seen a lot of Amazing dogs in movies, but Friday was Amazinly Awesome!!!
Another good one not mentioned Yukon King in St. Preston in the Yukon.
I just watched “The Eyes of Night”. Friday should have gotten top billing. And not just for his acting but for his stunts as well. It looked like he could have gotten seriously hurt in some of those stunts.
Someone needs to write about these amazing Cinema Canines!! Movies that they were in, place of burial, awards, etc. I’d buy a copy!! And we want PHOTOS!!
What a terrific dog. Friday is a perfect example of what this noble breed looked like before the AKC got its criminal paws on the dog and made their haunches slope so they could get hip dysplasia. Friday has a nice straight back.